
Guerrilla ads attacking Theresa May sweep the UK as the snap election inspires creativity

Three works spotted in Shoreditch

To mark the UK’s snap general election taking place today (8 June) The Drum has gathered some intriguing guerrilla ad posters – most of which batter the incumbent Conservative government.

Across the country, creatives got artistic, looking to use their roguish ways to make political statements in a much edgier fashion than the traditional campaigning platforms utilised by the main political parties.

Below is some of the top work we sourced from social media, (and on the streets).

Vote Corbyn bus stop

Corbyn Run DMC

Grime 4 Corbyn

The People 4 Corbyn...

Even the kids are guerrilla-ing

May-rilyn Munroe

Theresa Who?

More May-hem in London

Strong and Stable and NH$$$


Smelly Tories

Cannot Unsee

Delete NHS?

And while not strictly coming under the guerrilla remit, Charlie Hebdo's May cover is worth an inclusion.

Judging by the volume of anti-May sentiment in these works, its fair to say, Labour leader Corbyn has won over the street art types. Even Banksy offered free prints to those voting against the Conservatives, before u-turning on a technicality.

Guerrilla activity can make or break the election, craft ale company BrewDog is using free beer to entice the public to take part in the democratic process, it's packaged with a respectable pun, a 'BrewGov' poll.

Search data provides insight into who may well win the election, Scott Donnelly, search engine marketing strategist at DigitasLBi, took a look at who can win in his opinion piece for The Drum.

And if you've not had enough of creative political ads, check out The Drum's definitive collection of Donald Trump creative here.

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John McCarthy

John is an entertainment marketing reporter at The Drum. He writes about the amazing marketing stories coming from the movie, TV, music and video game industries. He's also the hunt for the weirder trends in marketing and advertising.

Fuelled by tea.

All by John